The Setting of Proper Human Resource Policy


Defining Policy and Procedure


A policy is a formal statement of a principle or rule that members of an organization or public service must follow. Each policy addresses an issue important to the organization's mission or operations.

A procedure tells members of the organization or public service how to carry out or implement a policy. Policy is the "what" and the procedure is the "how to".

Policies are written as statements or rules. Procedures are written as instructions, in logical steps.

Steps in Policy Development

In establishing a sustainable human capital, well established human resource policy is vital.

You may need to develop policies very specific to your organization and type of work, for which there are no templates or benchmarks. The success of your organization or public service will depend on how the organization or public service runs within the organization’s set policy. Any slight deviation will lead to a slight change which eventually will break apart the organization.

Typically, policy development will follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: Establish need for a policy
  • Step 2: Develop policy content
  • Step 3: Draft the policy
  • Step 4: Write the procedure
  • Step 5: Review of the policy by key Parties                                       
  • Step 6: Approve the policy
  • Step 7: Implement the policy
  • Step 8: Policy review and update
  • Step 9: Communication of changes  to the policy    


"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

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